Terms & Conditions

Last updated on Jan 09, 2024

These Terms of Use apply to any use of BlueBox, including each visit to the Bluebits Website.Please read these Terms of Use carefully and accept them before downloading the BlueBox app and/or using BlueBox. 

What services are part of BlueBox

The services we provide under the name BlueBox are non-exhaustively described in the user instructions and in an explanation that can be found in the BlueBox app and on the BlueBox website.

BlueBox is subject to continuous development and improvement and can be modified, extended and limited. 

By using BlueBox you indicate above all that you want to receive, and drop off parcels easily and discreetly, in a way that protects your privacy. This means, without disclosing the content of the Parcels with your colleagues, neighbours and employer. Consequently, BlueBox guarantees that it will not disclose these details to third parties, unless such disclosure is made in strict accordance with these Terms of Use and/or the Privacy policy.

By putting BlueBox in front of your name when you order, you instruct the Courier/Service Provider to deliver the Parcel directly to the BlueBox Box and not to the reception or post room or other delivery options.

For the delivery of Parcels in and the collection of Parcels from the Box by third parties, BlueBox only acts as an intermediary between you, the Merchant, the Supplier, the Shipper and/or Addressee. The transport of the Parcels to be delivered to or collected from a BlueBox Box is only subject to the agreements between you, the Supplier, the Shipper, the Courier and/or Addressee. BlueBox is not involved with the agreement, unless explicitly specified otherwise.

How can you use BlueBox

You can use BlueBox on your mobile device by using the BlueBox App which you access with your account created after Registration with BlueBox.  

To use the BlueBox App mobile you must have a compatible mobile phone or handheld device, internet access, and the necessary minimum software requirements which can be found in the App Store or Google Play. 

To use the desktop version of the BlueBox App you must have a compatible computer with internet access. 

To have Parcels delivered in a BlueBox Box you must have access to an Activated Box (see below) and put BlueBox in front of your name on the entry field of the Web shop/Service Provider and use the address of the Box with which you are connected.

By registering an account with BlueBox, a customer shall accept the following conditions

  • BlueBox shall have the right to add the personal data of the app user to BlueBox database and to forward the personal data to car wash service providers in accordance with BlueBox´s Privacy Policy.
  • BlueBox shall have a right to make unilateral amendments to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy and to relinquish the database to third parties. BlueBox shall notify the users of changes to Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
  • BlueBox shall be entitled to forward personal data and bank data to credit card payment intermediaries.

Good Practice of using BlueBox

A BlueBox Locker always belongs to a Locker Owner. A BlueBox Locker is either publicly accessible (“Public BlueBox”), or only accessible for those with explicit permission of the BlueBox Owner (“Private BlueBox”). 

If it is a Private BlueBox the BlueBox Owner is entirely free to decide at his own discretion to allow you to use it (or not); if a Box Owner gives you consent to use their Private BlueBox, you can register their BlueBox in your Account, after which it becomes an “Registered BlueBox” under your registered BlueBox list. 

A Public BlueBox is accessible for everyone who may and can use the BlueBox App without explicit permission from the BlueBox Owner being required. Before being able to use the Public BlueBox, this must also be registered via your Account.

You are aware as a user and you expressly agree that:

  • you can only use a public BlueBox after it has been registered to your account;
  • you can only use a private BlueBox when you have been given explicit permission for this by the BlueBox owner;
  • no BlueBox Owner is required to grant you permission to use a Private Box;
  • the Registration and use of BlueBox do not entitle you to use a (certain) Private Box;
  • the BlueBox Owner may deny/withdraw your permission to use a (formerly) Activated Box at all times in accordance with the agreements reached between you and the BlueBox Owner, to which the Service Provider is not a party;
  • BlueBox will remind you via the App and/or SMS that a package needs to be picked up from BlueBox
  • BlueBox will send you App push notification and/or SMS about other service related messages
    Use of the Box is prohibited for Parcels with content that is contrary to the law, that is potentially dangerous and/or that may damage the Box, including, but not limited to:
    • hazardous substances, chemicals, explosives, flammable or radioactive materials;
    • perishable goods;
    • drugs, narcotics and psychotropic substances;
    • weapons;
    • livestock;
    • objects, documents or substances in general the import, export, distribution, circulation, use or possession of which are prohibited by law;
    • objects which due to their form, nature or packaging may be dangerous and can contaminate or injure/damage people, the Box or goods of third parties,
    • matters which are subject to criminal law or criminal law provisions which sanction infringements of special laws,
    • all substances, including liquids, that present a leakage risk or risk to create odour nuisance.
  • Notwithstanding the above you can use the Box for perishable and chemical goods insofar as these:
    • fit into normal household use;
    • are resistant to the conditions in which they are kept in the Box, taking into account the transport to and/or from the Box;
    • are properly packaged to avoid the risk of leakage, odour nuisance and any form of pollution.
    • The use of the Box for Parcels containing perishable goods is at your sole risk and without any liability on our part or on the part of the Box Owner. You are solely responsible for all damage to or caused by such Parcels.
    • BlueBox guarantees in no way whatsoever that the refrigerated compartments (which can be part of a Box) will maintain a certain temperature. Under no circumstances can BlueBox be held liable for the maintenance of a constant temperature, the breakdown of this cooling (as a result of a power failure at the Box Owner), or other causes attributable to the Box Owner.
  • Parcels must meet the dimensions as specified in the instructions for use and in the App. Each Box has compartments in sizes S, M, L and XL. Depending on the configuration the Box can also have an XXL compartment. If Parcels exceed the maximum dimensions of the compartment they cannot be delivered to the Box. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Shipper and the Supplier make sure that their Parcels are compliant hereto.

These conditions are minimum requirements. The Box Owner cannot alleviate them, but he can impose additional or more stringent requirements for the use of his Box.

If a Parcel violates one or more of the above conditions, we always have the right, notwithstanding the right of the Box Owner, to inform the competent authorities, as decided at our discretion, to:

  • refuse the pickup and/or the delivery of the Parcel;
  • suspend the treatment of the Parcel;
  • destroy it (or have it destroyed) if it is harmful or dangerous to people or property;
  • refuse its delivery to the Box;
  • remove it (or have it removed) from the Box. 

Limitation on the Use of BlueBox

You agree:

  • to only use and download your Account and BlueBox yourself and for your own personal use and you will not use or access Accounts of other Users;
  • to carefully choose a safe password for your account, to ensure it is not reasonably ascertainable by others;
  • to maintain the security and secrecy of your Account login data at all times and to prevent others from accessing your Account using devices belonging to you. You will be fully responsible for all resulting damage if third parties gain access to your Account with your login data or gain access to a device you use to operate your Account, if you did not respect these obligations;
  • not to disrupt the correct functioning of BlueBox;
  • not to attempt to harm BlueBox (including the BlueBox Website, BlueBox App and the Box) in any way;
  • not to copy or distribute the BlueBox App or other BlueBox Content without the prior written permission of BlueBox;
  • not to use BlueBox with incompatible or unapproved devices;
  • to comply with the applicable laws of your home country and of the country, state and the location where you use BlueBox and your location during your usage of BlueBox;
  • not to use BlueBox with the intention to harm, cause discomfort or cause inconvenience of any kind to a third party or in any way that can reasonably lead to such consequences;
  • not to use BlueBox to send spam or other duplicated and/or unsolicited messages or Parcels to third parties in violation of applicable laws;
  • not to use BlueBox to send or store any incriminating, obscene, threatening, defamatory, or otherwise improper or illegal material, including material harmful to children and material that violates the rights of privacy of third parties;
  • not to send or store material using the BlueBox App or Website that contains application viruses, worms, computer Trojans, source codes, files, scripts, tools or malicious programs;
  • not to attempt to gain unauthorised access to BlueBox or to systems or networks connected with BlueBox;
  • not to interfere or disturb the functioning and the integrity of BlueBox or the data it contains.

Intellectual Property Rights

The content of BlueBox and the software environment that is required for the functioning and the operation of BlueBox are our exclusive property (or of our affiliates or third parties who deliver their services to us). The design, all text, images, graphics, audio and video files, animation files, logos, emblems, marks, and other content are part thereof and are protected by copyright and/or other laws protecting the rights of intellectual property, which belong solely to us as well as to the aforementioned companies. 

We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited and personal licence to use the BlueBox App and its contents for personal purposes. 

You may not modify, copy, distribute, sell, rent, use, supplement or otherwise use the content of BlueBox without prior written consent of the owner of the intellectual property rights.

However, for private, non-commercial use, you can read, copy, print and save material published by BlueBox. It is explicitly forbidden to modify copies, saved parts or print-outs of BlueBox’s content. 


BlueBox is only liable for your damages if these are caused by an error committed by BlueBox. In any case, BlueBox can only be held responsible for your direct damages and can never be held liable for any indirect or consequential damages. You may only claim compensation if you can demonstrate the fault on the part of BlueBox, the damage caused to you and the causality between those two.

Under no circumstances can compensation be obtained because of a delay in receiving a Parcel as a result of the use of BlueBox, nor because of damage to or loss of goods that according to these Terms of Use were not exchanged, sent or received through BlueBox.

The information, recommendations and/or services provided to you on or via BlueBox are for information purposes only and cannot be considered as advice to you. We will maintain BlueBox, including the BlueBox Website and the BlueBox App and their content, reasonably accurately and up to date, but we cannot guarantee that these (including their content) will be free of faults, defects, viruses or malware and that they will at all times be properly updated and accurate. 

You must take the necessary steps to guarantee your own protection and take adequate security measures. You must use a virus scanner before downloading information, software or documentation and your protection against viruses, malware, etc. is exclusively at your own risk. 

You declare to be familiar with the nature, characteristics and limitations of the internet, computer systems and networks, and their technical performances. 

Our commitment to deliver BlueBox is an obligation of means and you agree that it is possible that BlueBox (including access to the Box) is unavailable, even if we make reasonable efforts to keep BlueBox available. You also agree that BlueBox, except in case of fraud or serious misconduct, cannot be held responsible for the possible lack of availability, accessibility, applicability or continued functioning of BlueBox, including the BlueBox App, the BlueBox Website, the Box and the services.

BlueBox is entitled, for the maintenance of the BlueBox App, the BlueBox Website and the Box, to temporarily suspend its use.

BlueBox is not liable for any damage whatsoever, caused because BlueBox used incorrect and/or incomplete data provided by the User.

BlueBox bears, subject to explicitly specified otherwise, no liability whatsoever for the quality of the purchased and/or delivered products in the context of BlueBox and the services of the Supplier. All complaints related hereto must only be addressed to the Shipper and/or to the Service Provider in accordance with their obligations to you.