BlueBox is Secured with Smart Locks

Blocks of codes

Convenience and Flexibility with Smart Locks in BlueBox

Our goal at Bluebits Technologies is to improve the standard of living for Bluebits users. The traditional smart lockers use separate physical keys for each locker unit, much like physical lockers where each key unlocks its locker. This traditional method of securing smart lockers has proven to be inefficient and slow due to the following reasons:

  • Flimsy keys mean the potential of losing or misplacing them
  • Mixing up keys for each individual locker
  • Higher chance of breaking into separate locker units

Smart locks in BlueBox improve the way BlueBox users receive their parcels.

State-of-the-Art Technology for BlueBox

As the leading smart locker company in Canada, BlueBox uses state-of-the-art technology to improve the lives of its users.

BlueBox uses MAKE High-security passive Electronic Locks for all locker units, enabling the use of one smart key for all units. The consolidation of keys prevents the mess of multiple keys for locker units within a building and provides added safety from the safe lock itself. The MAKE smart lock has:

  • Controlled Access: Keys are electronically programmed to open only specific locks
  • Accountability: Audit information in both the lock and key shows a record of every event
  • No wiring required: All power is provided by the key

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