How BlueBox Compares to Other Smart Locker Solutions

BlueBox Offers the Best Advantages Compared to Other Smart Locker Solutions

Compared to other smart locker solutions in Canada BlueBox has many key product and service differentiators. 

Many current clients have mentioned that they enjoy the local feel of our services. From being present with a complimentary on-site measurement to post-installation services; we always maintain a strong relationship with the building staff. 

Bluebits offers multi-lingual customer support. In most cases, we can remotely fix any issue that comes our way. We can also get our technicians to go on-site as soon as possible to resolve the issue. 

Unlike other smart locker solutions that provide long lead times, Bluebits has local stock for the Lower Mainland and GTA area. This puts us in a position to shorten our turnaround time and install within 7 days of a signed agreement. In addition, all installation, shipping, and labour costs for installations that are in the Lower Maind and Greater Toronto area are waived.

Before entering the Canadian market, we found many current solutions not taking into account the limitations of a residential building’s budget for these amenities. Many only offer the option to purchase, which involves high-upfront costs. This is why Bluebits created a leasing model. With no hidden costs, this option creates an approachable way for residential buildings to not need to stress about upfront fees, but simply just a monthly service fee. Where all hardware and software upgrades are included, as well as changes to be made to the locker configuration at no added cost.

One way to recognize BlueBox is through the 21-inch touch screen. BlueBox is the only smart locker that provides such a large touchscreen interface. Our team realized that this was an opportunity to support the local community, by allowing businesses to advertise their product and services on our screens. As an added bonus to residential buildings, all installations that allow advertisements to run at their BlueBox location can receive a small credit to their monthly service fee. 

We are frequently told that we are Canada’s most reliable parcel solution provider. With our pricing and service models bring incomparable to other current smart locker solutions. 

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