Revolutionize package management with BlueBox System Swap

Smart Parcel Lockers have the potential to offer an excellent solution to the growing challenges posed by parcel management. This occurs when the chosen locker system lacks optimization or the implemented service model fails to align seamlessly with the building’s unique requirements.

hassle-free solution

The Implementation Process Is Easy!​

Case 1: Waiting for locker installation​

If you are tired of waiting for your smart locker order to arrive, we would be happy to provide an immediate solution.​

Case 2: Locker already installed, but not happy with the service

If you have installed smart lockers and they are not operational and meeting the building needs, we are ready to assist and support in the transition of us being your smart locker provider.​

Experience the impact of the BlueBox interface on your existing locker hardware with three months of free service from us!

Are there hidden costs for on-site service, software upgrades, etc.?

With BlueBox all on-site service and software upgrades are included. You don’t need to worry about any hidden fees.

Are parcel deliveries still causing frequent staff disruptions? Having issues with the operation of the current locker system?

BlueBox smart lockers boast impeccable operational efficiency, ensuring a seamless solution for parcel management. Our team is dedicated to the lockers’ success and is prepared to provide unwavering support.

Are customer support inquiries answered and tech support provided in a timely manner? Is support provided by third party professionals?

BlueBox offers local in-house customer service and tech support. Our dedicated team is always ready to assist whether in-person, over the phone, or online. Our team also trains on-site staff so they have the ability to support if needed.

Do you find carriers aren’t using the locker and deliveries are being left on the ground by the lockers?

We pride ourselves on user experience and usability. Our streamlined workflow encourages use by all with a simple delivery and collection process. BlueBox has been highly adopted by many residents, building staff, and carriers.

Do you consider the overall investment and cost for your current smart locker service to be too high?

BlueBox offers a unique pricing model, lowering the hurdle to implementing smart lockers with an affordable service fee.

Get in Touch

Talk to our Specialists

Feel free to contact us and discuss more in details with our professional marketing team.


+1 833 258 3269



#1620-4710 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4M2


#710-4789 Yonge St Toronto, ON M2N 0G3

We take your privacy seriously and we will never disclose your details/data to third parties.